Ever wonder why you seem to produce more hair than the average girl, or why you can’t get rid of acne even after using skin care products? These symptoms may suggest that you have more androgens or male hormones in your system. This phenomenon, along with an irregular cycle and an elevated blood glucose level, can mean you might have PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. The severity of its symptoms can differ from person to person just like menstrual periods, which is why there are many types of medications to address different needs.


PCOS and the Menstrual Cycle

Despite the fact that more people are now aware of PCOS, a large percentage of women still remain undiagnosed. It is understandable to confuse its effects as a problem of one’s menstrual period. However, the complications and discomforts in a woman’s cycle are only part of PCOS itself. While it is common to experience severe pain during menstruation (dysmenhorrea) and get acne, having these problems too frequently may be a sign that it is more than just a side effect. There are three types of hormones involved in PCOS: androgens, insulin, and progesterone. Imbalances take effect when eggs are not being released over time, causing the symptoms and issues to appear.

PCOS may cause women to have heavier, more painful periods

PCOS may cause women to have heavier, more painful periods


Excess or lack of androgen, insulin, and progesterone cause the different problems that arise with PCOS. Severe acne, unwanted body hair, and thinning hair are effects of excess androgens. Insulin is responsible for the absorption of glucose in the blood, and being polycystic prevents this hormone to work properly. Apart from maintaining a healthy sugar level, the body will also have a harder time losing weight because of this issue. An excess in insulin, however, will cause the body to produce more androgens. During the menstrual cycle, progesterone serves an important role in preparing the body for pregnancy, should the egg be fertilized. Being polycystic lowers the level of progesterone in the system. This can lead to irregular periods, heavy menstrual bleeding, and even early labour for pregnant women.


If You Are Experiencing Symptoms

Have you been experiencing any of the symptoms and problems enumerated above? It may be time for you to visit one of our OB Gynes soon. With proper medical assistance and a healthier lifestyle, you will truly be on your way to winning the battle against PCOS! Schedule a consultation with us and send us a message or call (02) 523 8131-65 .